Good afternoon, everyone.
Anytime something unexpected happens (whether good or bad), there's a tendency to retrace steps and think through what could have/should have gone differently. When things go well, I generally think "Well... I was in the right place at the right time, and I was prepared in the right way." And that's all true. Meeting someone new that brings light and joy to your life is certainly lucky happenstance, but it's also because both people were ready to meet each other at that particular moment. When you have a lucky break in your career and that phone finally rings with the dream job... you have to be able to follow through and play the part perfectly so you'll get called again. So, what about the inverse? What about when something bad happens? Is it solely because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time? Or was there also negative preparation you had unwittingly been cultivating? Are you right to revaluate your choices and, to some extent, blame yourself? I broke my foot; It can happen to anyone. But, here's the whole truth.
Some of you may remember the days of (it's gone; don't bother checking). I'm perfectly happy to have move passed that particular period in my life, but I do sometimes miss the built-in almost-obligatory time to sit, reflect, and write... the feedback from newfound friends also helped me keep a certain level of calm... So what does all this have to do with Pikes Falls Chamber Music Festival and this summer's fundraising? Well, one of the best things about the festival is that I always feel like I'm creating good. It's not as though everything goes perfectly throughout the festival, but I'm definitely helping to put something into the world that is, by and large, positive... and that beneficial work means that the outcomes are generally good. Through PFCM, I'm made so many incredible new friendships, gotten closer with family members, had amazing musical opportunities, and watched a community of artists get to know each other and create together. I could write book-length essays on all the good PFCM has done... So, here's what I've learned. No more breaking bones; or in a more literal bullet pointed list:
The Pikes Falls Chamber Music Festival and the Pikes Falls Visual Art Residency create a wonderful summertime arts oasis in Southern Vermont. I'd love for you to be there. Comments are closed.