It's an absolutely gorgeous morning in Southern Vermont. I'm just back from a run on Pikes Falls Road, and am getting ready to go to Norwich for a workshop led by the Vermont Community Foundation (the foundation that awarded PFCM a "Small and Inspiring" grant).
Before I head out for the day, I just wanted to express again how grateful I am for all of your donations. It's going to be an incredible festival this summer, and that's largely because of you. To that end, I was discussing the Donor Plaque with my dad last night. We decided that the two trees (as in the PFCM logo) will be made out of metal, probably a welded steel. It'll be on a wooden background to give depth. Then, the musical note leaves will be metal, and will have the donor's name engraved on them. The original idea was to have only people who donated large amounts on the plaque. I believe I had said $1000 or more. But... that's not the way crowd funding works, and I want to show my appreciation to everyone. So, we'll have 3 musical leaf categories... donations of $100 will be on a copper-coated plate, donations of $500 will be silver, and donations of $1000 gold. It'll all be kept in the Town Hall during the festival each year. It'll look something like a combination of the 3 images below; since my father and sister are the artists designing and actualizing it, I'm sure it'll be wonderful. There will also be a nice sign nearby that alphabetically lists every donor. Since donations can still be added/changed, I'll send in the names when the Kickstarter timeframe ends (this Saturday evening). So, as I said a couple of times now, I'm going to relax with the Kickstarter links. I'll just post pictures and commentary about what's going on with the PFCM details in Vermont this week, and then I'll be off to Kutztown next week for something completely different... Once more, a resounding thank you for your support. -Susanna Comments are closed.