Happy 4th of July!
This morning, I woke up thinking... no matter how you feel about the state of our country right now, we are lucky. We are lucky for so many reasons, but very simply... unlike many others, we are allowed to listen, to create, to reflect. We have art, and we have music. A couple of weeks ago, I was leading a seminar on entrepreneurship to the talented young musicians of the National Youth Orchestra 2. One of the prompts was "Why music?" The many intelligent responses included... "Because it allows me to be silent." "Because it allows me to speak." "Because it's there for me when people aren't." "Because I can use my imagination." "Because I can escape." And then... "What's your answer, Dr. Loewy?" [Call me Susanna.] There's nothing quite like being asked to answer your own question, right? I'm not quite sure what my exact words were, but the gist of it was an attempt to encompass my feelings about what I do, and why I do it... "Because music is freedom." That's why the Pikes Falls Chamber Music Festival exists. It's a contribution to our free world, an effort at taking advantage of our ability to express, a celebration of independence. There are many music festivals, and some would say there isn't a real need for one more. But to me, that's part of the point... let us have one more. Let us have many more. To make PFCM happen this year, we now have 2.5 weeks to raise $4,400. Please help however you can. If you've given in the past and haven't yet this year, please consider supporting this 5th Season of the Pikes Falls Chamber Music Festival. If that's simply passing this email on to someone you think might contribute, that's wonderful. If you can donate monetarily, we desperately need the help. As always, donations are tax deductible. Regardless, I hope you enjoy July 4th, and I hope to see you up at PFCM this summer. If you can't make it up to Vermont, we'll be broadcasting live via Facebook, so you can still listen. More details on that soon. Susanna Loewy What does art mean to you? What would you say if someone asked you "Why music?" Feel free to send me a response; I'd love to hear your thoughts. Comments are closed.