Good afternoon, Pikes Falls Chamber Music Festival Community -
Once again, we’re so thrilled that we will be back in Vermont this summer. After two years spent weaving in and out of pandemic panic, and evaluating how the festival can best serve the community, I am excited to announce that the Pikes Falls Chamber Music Festival will be returning this August! This year’s festival will hold concerts from August 8-12 with concerts in Grafton, Townshend, and (of course) Jamaica. In the summer of 2019, Jamaica, VT hosted both the 8th season of the Pikes Falls Chamber Music Festival and 2 weeks later, my wedding. It was a busy time, for sure, but I have never felt more at home in Jamaica. I had every expectation of returning each summer with a growing family, and the PFCM crew had already started plotting ideas for Year 10. And then, of course, the pandemic. It would be easy to just blame the pandemic and say life stopped, and so did PFCM. There is certainly an element of truth to that. But, there’s more. I now have two little boys, Asher and Eden, and I admit to having trouble merging my professional life with motherhood. I’ve recently realized, though, that I want my children to know me as a mother who follows her passion, who works hard at what she does, and who creates music and musical programs that contribute good to the world. So here we are, in 2023. I’m not sure if it’s the 9th season of PFCM, the 11th season, or something in-between. No matter how you want to count it, we’re so happy to return to beautiful Southern Vermont to once again create something special with you. I want to pause to thank you for your patience and support. Without it, PFCM wouldn’t be possible. I am so excited to reconnect with Vermont and center this year’s festival around ‘hearing our passion.’ We’ll be back in an area we absolutely love, playing pieces that inspire passion and creativity. Please join us this summer and consider donating to help us reach our fundraising goal of $20,000 for this year’s festival. - Online donation - Or, mail a check made out to Inscape: Susanna Loewy 4637 Spruce St Philadelphia, PA 19139 With passion, thank you for hearing, Susanna Loewy Founder & Executive Director PS: Want to see what I’m up to this month? Check out the livestream of my Faculty Spotlight Recital at Rowan University next Wednesday, March 22 at 7:30pm. Or, if you live in the NJ/Philly area, come check it out in-person. I’d love to see you there. Comments are closed.