Over the past couple of weeks, the 2014 Concerts have been solidified! We're sticking with the same model as last season, and are going to again perform 3 Evening Concerts and an Afternoon Family Concert. We'll also still have the Community Day with an Art/Music Collaboration for kids and young adults, an open mic, and a potluck with an Open Mic. All the exact dates and times are available on our 2014 Concerts and Events page. The repertoire is still being firmed up, but will be announced very soon.
In the works are shorter performances at the Jamaica State Park and the Jamaica and West River Farmer's Markets. More information on those will be posted as soon as they're confirmed. During the second half of December, we held a mini end-of-the-year fundraising campaign, and managed to raise almost $3000! While that puts us in good shape for the beginning of the year, we still have about $12,000 left to raise before the festival starts, so all donations are welcome and appreciated. (Please select "Pikes Falls Chamber Music Festival" from the Program drop-down list on the donation page.) Lastly, we had some requests to put recordings of the first 2 seasons online... and I'm happy to say we were able to do so. Via our Bandcamp audio page, all tracks are available free-of-charge via streaming, or you can purchase the downloadable mp3s. Along those lines, we're excited to say that it looks like we're going to have much higher quality recording at this year's festival. As promised, more details about everything will be coming soon... Comments are closed.